He just wanted to make a living…
Instead, he started the Arab Spring.
Tariq Mohamad Bouazizi sold fruits and vegetables from a pushcart in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. He couldn't afford the time (142 days to complete 54 procedural steps ) or the money ($3,233 – more than he made in a year) to register his business legally. He was Locked Out of the system.
Like the vast majority of people in the Middle East, he ran his business extra-legally and dealt with harassment from corrupt officials. On the fateful day of Dec. 17, 2010, his run-in with officials and resultant death sent shockwaves across the Middle East, plunging the region into strife and conflict as millions demanded change.
Discover the Roots of the Arab Spring - the story of Tariq Mohamad Bouazizi.
Locked Out! covers numerous educational standards across several subject areas including ELL, Language Arts, and Social Studies for Grades 9-12.
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