Why would you need B-52 bombers to trim a tree?
How to “handle” North Korea seems like a contemporary question. In reality, it’s an issue that’s been on the minds of world leaders for many years.
In 1976, U.S. troops were killed in an incident at The Bridge of No Return – one of the passages between North and South Korea. Thus ensued “Operation Paul Bunyan” – a massive act of deterrence and the most militarized tree-cutting operation in history. Hear the story from two U.S. military vets who were there.
When to appease? When to deter? What balance is best?
The Bridge of No Return covers numerous educational standards across several subject areas including U.S. History, World History, and Geography for grades 7-12+. To find which standards it covers specific to your grade, subject area, and which standards your district follows, use our Standards Alignment tool.
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