David Robinson, a former NBA basketball player known in sports circles as "The Admiral," is a U.S. Naval Academy graduate with a reputation as a family-oriented man with a strong moral code. In a program aimed at high school students, Robinson talks frankly and openly about some of the tough issues today's kids face, including drugs, hate, racism, love, and spirituality. He pulls no punches, telling about mistakes he's made and about the problems he had "fitting in" socially when he was a teen. Throughout the program, Robinson reveals himself to be an articulate, intelligent, sensitive, honest man who just happens to be earning a cool $66 million as an athlete.
Robinson's parents, Freda and Ambrose, talk about how they raised David and his siblings with an emphasis on honesty, on valuing education, and on using the racism they experienced as a motivation to succeed and excel, not as a reason to hate.
The program features focus groups of teens in Denver and New York who talk about their thoughts and feelings on each topic Robinson covers. Also, as a bonus feature, the program includes Q&A segments titled 'Hey, David!' in which Robinson answers questions presented by the teenagers.
In the Classroom with David Robinson covers numerous educational standards across several subject areas including ELL, Health & PE, Language Arts, Media/Technology, and Social Studies for Grades 6-12.
We encourage teachers to prescreen this DVD and consider if some of the discussion is not suited for the maturity level of their particular students.
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