What matters more in a free society? Free speech and open discussion, or not hurting someone’s feelings?
Many a true word is said in jest…
Humor has long been a vehicle to poke fun at not just ourselves, but society and the issues our culture is contending with. It holds up a mirror and explores sometimes painful truths. Comedians often push the boundaries into uncomfortable territory.
From Aristophanes in the 5th century B.C., to All in the Family and South Park, comedy has been thought-provoking and made us laugh as well.
But free speech is no laughing matter. It’s a necessary part of a free society.
What do we lose when we silence comedians and prevent them from exercising free speech and provoking introspection on life’s issues?
Comedy – More Than a Laugh covers numerous educational standards across several subject areas including Government, Civics, U.S. History, and Language Arts for grades 9-12+. To find which standards it covers specific to your grade, subject area, and which standards your district follows, use our Standards Alignment tool.